Get the best value for your Carbon
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Multiply your savings by Urth’s Biodiversity Premium
Urth acceses and aggrgates farmers with the best Biodiversity to grow carbon. The rating ensures better ROI for investors by ensuring the carbon will remain protected and climate-resilient whilst also rewarding the farmer for improving biodiversity on their land.
Biodiversity measurement is currently assigned by consensus as global tools are still under development with assessment currently manual and very expensive.
each star is rewarded a multiple of the spot rate:
1 star = 1.1
2 star = 1.6
3 star = 2.4
4 star = 3.6
5 star = 5.4
for Example:
Example of how star rating multiplier will work
Carbon Price per tonne
Our Biodiversity Rating
Establishing diverse floura and fauna.
Clear signs of basic biodiversity, visible return of keystone species/fauna.
Above average health easy to see by simple observation.
Excellent multi-species. returned levels of microbes, insects, birds etc, and all native species needed for a healthy ecosystem in accord with the region
Conservation forests, swamps, wetlands, wilding areas
Exclusivity Guaranteed
We make sure that all farmers we represent in aggregated contracts are exclusively listed to ensure risk-free investment for all investors.